Industrial Bench Scales and Platform Scales | Made in the USA

Load Cell Central’s industrial bench scales provide unprecedented reliability, accuracy, and durability.  Built using carbon or stainless steel, our bench scales can handle the roughest of applications. Our scales come standard with an anodized aluminum, environmentally sealed load cell. We also offer FM approved and hermetically sealed options to meet all industrial weighing needs. They can be paired with one of our digital indicators, signal conditioners, or wireless transmitters and come with an optional indicator stand for interfacing with systems.

Our bench scales are portable and convenient. Perfect for checkweighing

Load Cell Central’s bench scales will decrease down time, save money, and reduce maintenance time. From light duty shipping scales to all-stainless steel scales for chemical washdown or the food industry, we have the bench scale for your needs. Contact our 24/7 technical support. All scales come pre-calibrated and ready to install.

Bench Scale Selection

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Industrial platform scales.

Product Bulletins